CREs popping up all over the place. What’s going on?
If you are like most professionals in the HAI space, you probably spend your days (hopefully not your nights) thinking about AMR outbreaks driven by clonal bacterial transmission. While these outbreaks certainly represent the majority, there is a growing concern for transmission carried by mobile genetic elements, especially plasmids. Plasmids can spread resistance markers across various strains...

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…
One of the upsides of using whole genome sequencing...

How long is enough?
Industry standards warrant a 6-week period of...
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Rising Fungal HAIs: A “Day Zero” Scenario
Have you been having nightmares about your elderly neighbor becoming infected with Cordyceps and...
Slow Move from Culture Towards WGS Diagnostics?
Time for a change of pace. We usually talk about hospital acquired infections in our Lab Services...
Crossing the Chasm
We often get asked what other institutions are doing for their infection control and outbreak...
When Water Can Be Dangerous to Your Health
Water is the essence of life—nothing can live without it, but what happens when water becomes the...
To Screen or Not to Screen
When investigating HAI outbreaks, your decisions have significant consequences. Implementing...
Just can’t seem to shake it off?
If you’ve been in infection control for a while, you know what it feels like when you seem to have...
What is up with NTM?
Recently, we received multiple requests to help with Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM)...
Unmasking promiscuous bacterial species in HAI investigations
When it comes to determining relatedness between isolates in an HAI investigation, you know by now...
Stop HAIs in their tracks…
As the pandemic starts to clear, infection control and microbiology labs are finally getting a...